
Hey, well thanks for coming to see my, umm blog, yeah. I really like to write and I thought it would be fun, to put all the things I've written on a blog so that people can see them. They might seem a bit depressed but its easier to write with strong emotions, such as sadness........well umm enjoy I guess hahah.....=)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Poem #14- Rescued

If you can't read it there, am writing it here.
You did it, you did what everyone else thought was impossible
You did it knowing it would be hard, knowing I probably would never give in
You barely knew me and still you dedicated your time, soul, and mind to me
You took risks, risks that not even the people that have known me all my life would take
You never gave up on me, ever. Even when everybody else did
You fought against the world just to show that there was a brighter side of me, a side they had seem to have forgotten about
You said you loved me and would do anything for me
You were the one that rescued my black heart from the depths of solitude and desolation
And now that you have rescued my heart you can stay with it, because it now belongs with you......

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